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Rev. Jonathan V. Newton, Esq.


Rev. Jonathan Newton was raised in the South Bronx. He began college at Georgetown University and pledged Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Unfortunately, his attention then shifted to fraternity parties, step shows, and Big East basketball games. This led to a much needed, though not entirely optional, academic sabbatical. After enlisting in the Army Reserve and working full-time at D.C. Pretrial Services Agency he graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland College Park. He then earned a law degree from Harvard Law School and a Master of Divinity from Virginia Union University.

After law school Rev. Newton was accepted into the U.S. Attorney General’s Honor Program where he clerked for the Chief Administrative Law Judge at the Drug Enforcement Administration.  He then he returned to New York City as an Assistant District Attorney in Bronx County.  For the past twenty years he has served in various capacities at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, including counsel to the Environmental Appeals Board, Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff, and Congressional Fellow for the Honorable Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

However, the most important thing to Rev. Newton is his salvation.  He rededicated his life to Christ at Ebenezer A.M.E. Church, Fort Washington.  After accepting the call to ministry he was appointed Minister to Young Adults under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Grainger Browning and Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Browning.  The calling to pastoral ministry led him to Metropolitan A.M.E Church, “The National Cathedral of African Methodism,” where he served and studied under Presiding Elder Ronald E. Braxton.

Rev. Jonathan Newton is now fulfilling his pastoral call as the founder of Jordan River Ministry.  He is the loving husband of Renee Newton and proud father of Theodore Newton.